Friday, 8 August 2008

About Heart Centre (Anahatha Chakra)

  The Heart Centre (Anahatha Chakra) is the fourth energy centre within us. We think and understand what is happening around us from the perspective of this chakra, in which our awareness is most habituated. The heart chakra is the middle Chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth Chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.

The lower 3 chakras fulfill man's basic needs like sex, money, power, prestige, fame, security and comfort. By focusing our consciousness out of the lower three chakras and meditating on the fourth (Heart Centre) chakra, we can attain an integrated balance between the material and spiritual self. This brings about a state of true balance in our body, mind and soul; reducing turbulences and feeling of wholeness in our lives. 

By meditating at the Heart Centre, we free our mind from limited consciousness and are able to guide our daily decision makings toward attributes of compassion. It establishes in us the calm, creative and compassionate understanding that becomes the true source of happiness.  
Chakras (energy centers) are the entry points for the cosmic higher frequency energy into the physical body. A person thinks and understands what is happening around them from the perspective of the chakra in which their awareness is most habituated. The first, second and third charkas fulfill man's basic needs on the material plane. 

The primary desire of the first chakra is for the security of our physical existence. It is a very self centered place. The individual acts from the motivation which is violent behavior based on insecurity and fears about basic needs. 

The focus of the second charka is drawn towards sensual desires and fantasies. Sexual energy is connected mainly to this chakra. When we operate primarily from this chakra we see the world in terms of our desires and our main motivation is to make sure they are gratified. 

The unrestrained third chakra personality is dominated by fire and intellect, moving towards her or his goals without considering the consequences in an extremely competitive, assertive and courageous fashion. One will even sacrifice family and friends in search of power, respect and recognition. Out of balance third chakra energy results in a person who is willing to run over others to achieve their ends, control of others through the violence of anger, resentments, vengeance and inflamed emotions.

The first three charkas will be the driving force behind most people's lives. Many will never have goals any higher than the basic drives surrounding sex, money, power, prestige, fame, security and comfort. And for most the centre of all these issues will revolve around sex.

We must become aware of how our basic fears rule our lives and prevent us from following our own paths. We must free our minds. We must get our consciousness out of the lower three chakra concerns and move our focus up into the ANAHATHA CHAKRA or Heart Centre! We must think and act from the heart.

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